
This is the 632nd most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Бахмуті" is not a standard word in Ukrainian; it might refer to something related to "Бахмут" (Bakhmut), a city in Ukraine, depending on context.

In this sentence, 'Бахмуті' again serves as the locative case, functioning to express the place of birth.

Моя бабуся народилася у Бахмуті.

My grandmother was born in Bakhmut.

This statement also uses 'Бахмуті' in the locative case to describe the location affected by the war.

Війна залишила сліди у Бахмуті.

The war left traces in Bakhmut.

Here, 'Бахмуті' is used as the locative case of the proper noun 'Бахмут', indicating the location where the action occurs, meaning 'in Bakhmut'.

Навесні у Бахмуті квітнуть численні польові квіти.

In spring, numerous wildflowers bloom in Bakhmut.