
This is the 600th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Заступник" in English means "deputy" or "assistant."

Here 'заступник' is used to denote a deputy or assistant role in a corporate setting, emphasizing responsibility and function within a department.

Мій друг працює заступником керівника відділу продажів.

My friend works as the deputy head of the sales department.

In this context, 'заступник' is applied to describe a second-in-command who acts in an official municipal capacity.

Заступник мера міста провів брифінг з місцевими журналістами.

The deputy mayor of the city held a briefing with local journalists.

In this sentence, 'заступник' refers to a person who holds the position of substitute or deputy for the principal, perfectly demonstrating its use in a professional title.

Заступник директора школи відповідає за організацію навчального процесу.

The deputy principal of the school is responsible for organizing the educational process.