
This is the 997th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "канади" translates to "Canada" (plural form, poetic or archaic) or relates to Canada.

Here, 'канади' is used to denote footwear, specifically boots, in a neutral or general context.

На виставці були представлені кана́ди різних виробників.

At the exhibition, there were boots from various manufacturers displayed.

In this instance, 'Канади' refers to the country of Canada, demonstrating a different meaning depending on capitalization.

Канади країни надали допомогу під час кризи.

Canada provided assistance during the crisis.

In this sentence, 'канади' refers to heavy or winter boots, which is a slang term used in certain Ukrainian dialects.

Я купив нові кана́ди для зимових прогулянок.

I bought new boots for winter walks.