
This is the 872nd most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Кличко" is a Ukrainian surname.

In this sentence, 'Кличко' is used as a proper noun referring to the athlete.

Кличко є відомим українським боксером.

Klitschko is a famous Ukrainian boxer.

Here, 'кличко' refers to a simple exclamation or call for attention in Ukrainian.

Вони разом вигукували кличко, щоб привернути увагу.

They together shouted out a call to attract attention.

In this example, 'Кличко' again is a proper noun, referring to the person's likeness and name on the postcard.

На листівці було зображення Кличко та його підпис.

On the postcard, there was an image of Klitschko and his autograph.