
This is the 46th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"People" or "of people."

Here 'людей' serves as the complement indicating for whom understanding is important. The genitive case reflects the relation between individuals and the concept being discussed.

Для людей важливе взаєморозуміння.

Understanding is important for people.

'Людей', in the genitive plural, is employed in a negated existential construction, describing the absence of people in a particular location.

На місці аварії не виявилося людей.

There were no people at the accident site.

The word 'людей' is in the genitive plural form, used after quantitative expressions like 'many' (багато). This form is common in sentences involving amounts or descriptions of people.

Я бачу багато людей на вулиці.

I see many people on the street.