
This is the 96th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Наголосив" means "emphasized" or "stressed."

This usage of 'наголосив' is in the context of teaching, where the speaker wants to ensure that attention is directed to a particular detail, emphasizing its importance for understanding.

Викладач наголосив на правильному вживанні цього слова.

The teacher emphasized the correct usage of this word.

Here 'наголосив' refers to emphasizing or stressing a specific point in a discussion or presentation.

Він наголосив на важливості цього питання.

He emphasized the importance of this issue.

In this sentence, 'наголосив' is used to refer to the action of pointing out or highlighting the essential nature of a topic during a formal speech.

Під час виступу він наголосив на необхідності змін.

During the speech, he stressed the necessity of changes.