
This is the 373rd most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Пригожин" is a Ukrainian surname, transliterated as "Prigozhin" in English.

The word 'Пригожин' is used here as a proper noun referring to an individual's surname.

Пригожин виявився політичним діячем, який викликав суперечливі почуття в суспільстві.

Prigozhin turned out to be a political figure who caused controversial feelings in society.

In this sentence, the word 'пригожин' is used as a symbolic representation, extending its usage beyond a proper noun.

Зараз слово 'пригожин' стало символом певних типів політичних маневрів.

Now the word 'Prigozhin' has become a symbol of certain types of political maneuvers.

Here, 'Пригожина' is a genitive case form of the proper noun, showing possession or relation.

Я читав статтю з аналізом ролі Пригожина в міжнародних подіях.

I read an article analyzing Prigozhin's role in international events.