
This is the 765th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Співпрацю" in English means "cooperation."

Here, "співпраця" indicates the cooperation or teamwork with international organizations.

Через співпрацю з міжнародними організаціями ми змогли реалізувати цей проєкт.

Through cooperation with international organizations, we were able to implement this project.

In this example, "співпраця" denotes the collaborative efforts or joint work between students and teachers.

Навчання стає набагато продуктивнішим завдяки співпраці студентів і викладачів.

Learning becomes much more productive thanks to the collaboration between students and teachers.

In this sentence, "співпраця" refers to the collaborative efforts or partnership between two countries.

Співпраця між двома країнами привела до позитивних змін.

The collaboration between the two countries led to positive changes.