
This is the 575th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"To Ukrainians" (dative plural form of "українці" - Ukrainians).

The word 'українцям' is the dative plural form of 'українець' and is used as the indirect object in this sentence, indicating to whom help is being given.

Я допомагаю українцям зрозуміти цю тему.

I help Ukrainians understand this topic.

Here, 'українцям' serves as the dative plural form, used to indicate the entity experiencing difficulty.

Українцям важко пристосуватися до нових умов.

It is difficult for Ukrainians to adapt to new conditions.

In this sentence, 'українцям' is again in the dative plural form, referring to the recipients of the gifts.

Ми передали подарунки українцям, які цього потребували.

We gave gifts to Ukrainians who needed them.