
This is the 697th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "фільму" means "film" or "movie" (genitive singular or dative singular form).

The word "фільму" (film/ movie) here is used in the genitive case to describe possession or part of a whole, referring to the specific part of the movie.

Я переглянув нову частину фільму.

I watched the new part of the movie.

Here "фільму" is used in the genitive case to indicate the subject of the discussion (theme of the movie).

Тема фільму була дуже зворушливою.

The theme of the movie was very touching.

In this case, "фільму" in the genitive case is used to clarify the object of the action (watching of the movie).

Я отримав задоволення від перегляду цього фільму.

I enjoyed watching this movie.