
This is the 990th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "євросоюзу" means "of the European Union" in English.

Here, Євросоюзу (the European Union) is in the genitive case, indicating that a relationship of membership is being described.

Як член Євросоюзу, країна повинна дотримуватися певних стандартів.

As a member of the European Union, the country must adhere to certain standards.

In this sentence, Євросоюзом (the European Union) is used in the instrumental case, indicating the means or association involved in the context.

Перед підписанням угоди з Євросоюзом, уряд провів численні зустрічі.

Before signing the agreement with the European Union, the government held numerous meetings.

This context shows the role of Євросоюзу (the European Union) as an entity with which Ukraine seeks collaboration, used in the instrumental case.

Україна активно прагне до співпраці з Євросоюзом.

Ukraine actively seeks cooperation with the European Union.