
This is the 332nd most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "інтерв" does not appear to be standard or complete. It may be a fragment or abbreviation.

Here, 'інтерв' is used as a nickname or short form for a subject, potentially a person's username.

Інтерв скачав нову версію програми.

The user downloaded the new version of the software.

In this sentence, 'інтерв' is the root of the word 'інтерв’ю', meaning 'interview', demonstrating its use in compound nouns.

Під час інтерв'ю журналіст поставив складне питання.

During the interview, the journalist asked a difficult question.

Here, 'інтерв' forms the base of the word 'інтервал', meaning 'interval', showing its lexical connection.

Інтервал між візитами був дуже коротким.

The interval between the visits was very short.