
This is the 987th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Інциденту" in English means "incident."

"Інциденту" here is used in the genitive case, indicating the context of possession or association in conjunction with avoiding something.

Інциденту вдалося уникнути завдяки швидкій реакції пожежників.

The incident was avoided thanks to the quick response of the firefighters.

"Інциденту" in this sentence is in the genitive case to denote the relationship between the details and the incident.

Свідок чітко описав всі подробиці інциденту.

The witness clearly described all the details of the incident.

In this sentence, "інциденту" is in the genitive case, used after the preposition 'після' to indicate temporal relationship.

Після інциденту ми провели ретельне розслідування.

After the incident, we conducted a thorough investigation.