
This is the 220th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The word "бахмута" is a form of "Бахмут," the name of a city in eastern Ukraine.

Here 'бахмута' is the genitive case of 'Бахмут', describing a particular historical event linked to the location.

Ми повинні зберігати пам'ять про героїчну оборону Бахмута.

We should preserve the memory of the heroic defense of Bakhmut.

In this sentence, 'Бахмута' is employed to indicate the topic (history) directly associated with the city, showcasing its cultural or historical significance.

Історія Бахмута захоплює своєю глибиною і цікавістю.

The history of Bakhmut captivates with its depth and intrigue.

The word 'бахмута' is used as a genitive case singular form of the proper noun 'Бахмут', referring to the city, indicating possession or associated context.

Бахмута є відомим містом у східній частині України.

Bakhmut is a famous city in the eastern part of Ukraine.