
This is the 884th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "боїв" means "battles" or "fights" in English (genitive plural form).

The word 'боїв' here is the genitive plural form of 'бій,' meaning 'battle,' used to indicate an object in plural in a possessive or descriptive manner.

Він брав участь у багатьох боїв.

He participated in many battles.

In this sentence, 'боїв' appears as the genitive plural of 'бій' to specify actions that occurred following multiple battles.

Після боїв він завжди повертався з перемогою.

After the battles, he always returned with victory.

Here, 'боїв' functions as the object of the action 'to avoid,' showcasing its use in describing multiple instances of conflict or battles.

Їм довелося уникати боїв через мирну угоду.

They had to avoid battles due to the peace agreement.