
This is the 497th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "велику" means "big" or "large" in the feminine singular accusative case.

Here, 'велику' modifies 'будівлю' (building) as an adjective indicating size, in the accusative singular feminine form.

Іван побачив велику будівлю.

Ivan saw a large building.

In this sentence, 'велику' describes 'порцію' (portion), also as an adjective in the accusative singular feminine form.

Мама купила велику порцію морозива.

Mom bought a large portion of ice cream.

Here, 'велику' characterizes 'цінність' (value) metaphorically, referring to its importance, in the accusative singular feminine form.

Церква має велику історичну цінність.

The church has great historical value.