
This is the 779th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "великій" means "big," "large," or "great" (used in the dative or prepositional case for masculine and neuter singular forms).

The word "великій" is used as an adjective in the dative case to describe the noun "долині" (valley) indicating To/In a vast valley in the context of the location described.

Це приголомшлива будівля в великій долині.

This is an astonishing building in a vast valley.

The word "великій" is used as an adjective in the prepositional case to describe "висоті" (height), illustrating the condition "on a great height."

На великій висоті повітря тонше.

On a great height, the air is thinner.

The word "великій" modifies "родині" (family) in the prepositional case, which is used here to describe the environment "in a large family."

Вона розповіла про радість у великій родині.

She spoke about joy in a large family.