
This is the 429th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The word "всій" in Ukrainian means "the whole" or "entire" (dative case, singular, feminine form).

The word 'всій' denotes 'the whole' and modifies the noun 'країні' in the dative case.

У всій країні панує радість.

Joy prevails throughout the whole country.

The word 'всій' is used to express entirety and aligns with the noun 'команді' in the dative case.

Ми допомогли всій команді.

We helped the entire team.

Here, 'всій' represents 'the entire' and functions with the noun 'громаді' in the dative case.

Загальний успіх залежить від внеску всій громаді.

Overall success depends on the contribution of the entire community.