
This is the 705th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Данії" is the genitive or dative plural form of "Данія," which translates to "Denmark" in English.

The word 'Данії' here is the locative case of the noun 'Данія' (Denmark), used to indicate location in the country.

У Данії дуже красиві пейзажі.

In Denmark, the landscapes are very beautiful.

'Данії' is again in the locative case, used in a similar context to indicate location.

Система освіти в Данії вважається однією з найкращих у світі.

The education system in Denmark is considered one of the best in the world.

Here, 'Данії' is in the genitive case, indicating possession or association with the noun 'жителі' (residents).

Жителі Данії дуже доброзичливі.

The residents of Denmark are very friendly.