
This is the 550th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "жертв" means "victims" or "sacrifices" in English, depending on context.

Here, 'жертв' is used as the genitive plural form of 'жертва' (victim), referring to individuals affected by a specific event.

Я помітив сильну підтримку жертв після цієї страшної події.

I noticed strong support for the victims after this terrible event.

Here, 'жертвувати' is derived from 'жертва' (sacrifice), referring to the act of making a surrender or offering for a cause.

Жертвувати часом заради інших - це великий подвиг.

Sacrificing time for others is a great feat.

In this sentence, 'жертв' also represents the victims, particularly those who have made significant sacrifices.

На церемонії було багато жертв, які віддали своє життя за свободу.

At the ceremony, there were many victims who gave their lives for freedom.