
This is the 98th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Зеленський" is a Ukrainian surname, often referring to Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine since 2019.

In this sentence, 'Зеленський' refers to a proper noun, specifically a person's last name, used as a subject.

Зеленський є президентом України.

Zelenskyy is the President of Ukraine.

Here, 'Зеленський' again signifies a proper noun, referring to an individual distinguished in the acting field.

У драматичному спектаклі грає актор на ім'я Зеленський.

An actor named Zelenskyy performs in the dramatic play.

In this instance, 'Зеленський' is involved as a notable figure of discussion within a particular topic related to comedy.

Ми обговорювали відомі комедійні сцени з участю Зеленського.

We discussed famous comedic scenes featuring Zelenskyy.