
This is the 663rd most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "компаній" is the genitive plural form of "компанія," meaning "companies" in English.

In this context, 'компаній' represents entities being analyzed, again using the genitive plural form for reasoning of association.

Інвестори аналізують фінансові показники компаній для ухвалення важливих рішень.

Investors analyze the financial indicators of companies to make important decisions.

The word 'компаній' (companies) here is in the genitive plural form, indicating possession or association of companies.

Багато успішних компаній у сфері технологій розташовані в Силіконовій долині.

Many successful companies in the technology field are located in Silicon Valley.

The word 'компаній' is used to refer to members of a group, employing the genitive plural form to illustrate inclusion within a category.

Серед компаній, що представили свою продукцію на виставці, була й наша.

Among the companies that showcased their products at the exhibition was ours.