
This is the 664th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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Here 'контрнаступ' is used as a noun referring to a military strategic action to reclaim territory or advance an offensive.

Українські війська планують новий контрнаступ.

Ukrainian forces are planning a new counteroffensive.

In this sentence, 'контрнаступ' is illustrated as a subject requiring specific actions, denoting its significance in tactical decisions.

Контрнаступ вимагав ретельного планування та координації.

The counteroffensive required meticulous planning and coordination.

Here, the term 'контрнаступ' signifies a historic and potentially transformative event in military campaigns.

У історії цей контрнаступ часто згадують як переломний момент.

In history, this counteroffensive is often mentioned as a turning point.