
This is the 426th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The word "лиманському" is the dative or locative form of "лиманський," meaning "related to an estuary" or "of the estuary" in English.

Here, "лиманському" acts as an adjective modifying "регіоні" and describes a specific trait or location related to "лиман" (estuary).

Я люблю читати книги про життя в лиманському регіоні.

I enjoy reading books about life in the liman region.

In this sentence, "лиманському" describes the village as being located near or characteristic of the liman area.

В лиманському селищі живе багато рибалок.

Many fishermen live in the liman village.

"Лиманському" here describes the coastline, specifying its location attributed to the liman area.

На лиманському узбережжі красиво восени.

The liman coastline is beautiful in autumn.