
This is the 935th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "людину" means "person" or "human" (in the accusative case).

In this sentence, 'людину' is the accusative case of 'людина', indicating it is the direct object receiving the action of the verb 'бачити' (to see).

Я бачу людину у парку.

I see a person in the park.

In this context, 'людину' also appears in the accusative case as the direct object of the verb 'допомогти' (to help).

Ми допомогли людину знайти загублений ключ.

We helped the person find the lost key.

Here, 'людину' is in the accusative case and used as a part of the prepositional phrase 'про людину', meaning 'about the person'.

Ця книга про людину, яка відкрила новий вид рослин.

This book is about the person who discovered a new plant species.