
This is the 253rd most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "міністра" means "minister" (a government official).

Here, 'міністра' is in the accusative case, as it is the direct object of the verb 'призначили' (appointed).

Міністра призначили на нову посаду.

The minister has been appointed to a new position.

Here, 'міністра' is in the genitive case, indicating possession; it nuances the statement as belonging to the minister.

Заява міністра була дуже важливою.

The minister's statement was very important.

Here, 'міністра' is in the accusative case, functioning as the direct object of the verb 'зустрів' (met).

Я зустрів міністра під час офіційного заходу.

I met the minister during an official event.