
This is the 819th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "навпаки" means "the other way around" or "vice versa" in English.

The word 'навпаки' is used here to express an opposing opinion.

Твоя думка дуже важлива, але я вважаю навпаки.

Your opinion is very important, but I think the opposite.

The word 'навпаки' is used to describe something being reversed or inverted.

На цьому малюнку дерева зображені навпаки.

In this drawing, the trees are depicted upside down.

The word 'навпаки' is used to indicate a reversal of the usual situation.

Зазвичай я встаю о сьомій, але сьогодні було навпаки — я спав до дев'ятої.

I usually wake up at seven, but today it was the opposite — I slept until nine.