
This is the 472nd most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Намагалися" means "tried" or "attempted" in English.

In this sentence, 'намагалися' indicates a continuous effort or attempt by the subject (they) during an ongoing process (negotiations).

Вони намагалися знайти компроміс під час переговорів.

They were trying to find a compromise during the negotiations.

Here, 'намагалися' is employed to question the reason behind an attempt or inclination by the subject (you) to avoid something (the meeting).

Чому ви намагалися уникнути зустрічі?

Why did you try to avoid the meeting?

The word 'намагалися' here is used to express an attempt or effort made by the subject (we) to achieve something (solve the problem).

Ми намагалися вирішити цю проблему, але час не був на нашому боці.

We tried to solve this problem, but time wasn't on our side.