
This is the 121st most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "НАТО" refers to "NATO" (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

This usage refers to the acronym 'НАТО', which denotes the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

НАТО є міжнародною організацією, що об'єднує країни для спільної оборони.

NATO is an international organization that unites countries for collective defense.

In this context, 'нато' is used as a regional colloquial term for 'too' or 'excessively'.

Я нато втомлений, щоб ще щось робити сьогодні.

I am too tired to do anything else today.

Here, 'нато' is a shortened form colloquially implying 'well' or 'diligently' in preparation.

Він вирішив нато підготуватися до важливого дня.

He decided to prepare well for the important day.