
This is the 672nd most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Despite" or "although."

Introduction of a concessive clause indicating an action taken regardless of a condition.

Незважаючи на холодний вечір, ми вирішили прогулятися по парку.

Despite the cold evening, we decided to take a walk in the park.

Used to describe pursuing an action without being deterred by an obstacle or difficulty.

Він прочитав лекцію, незважаючи на свій сильний біль у горлі.

He gave the lecture despite his severe sore throat.

Indicating the holding of an opinion or stance regardless of opposing evidence.

Незважаючи на численні докази, він залишився непохитним в свої переконаннях.

Despite the numerous evidence, he remained steadfast in his beliefs.