
This is the 493rd most frequent Ukrainian word.

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"Oлексій" is a Ukrainian male given name, equivalent to "Alexei" or "Alexis" in English.

The word 'Олексій' is a person's name used as the subject of the sentence, indicating who performed the action of helping.

Олексій допоміг мені зробити домашнє завдання.

Oleksii helped me with my homework.

The word 'Олексій' is used in the prepositional case to indicate the person with whom the interaction took place.

Я поговорив з Олексієм перед уроком.

I talked to Oleksii before the lesson.

The word 'Олексій' here is in the dative case, showing possession or benefit.

Ця книга належить Олексію.

This book belongs to Oleksii.