
This is the 618th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "проєкту" means "of the project" in English.

Here, 'проєкту' is the genitive singular form of 'проєкт' used after the word 'аспекти,' which requires the genitive case to specify possession.

Ми детально обговорили всі аспекти проєкту.

We thoroughly discussed all aspects of the project.

In this sentence, 'проєкту' is in the dative singular form of 'проєкт,' used to denote the indirect object that is experiencing the lack.

Проєкту бракує фінансування для завершення.

The project lacks funding for completion.

Here, 'проєкту' is in the genitive singular form of 'проєкт,' following the preposition 'щодо,' which specifically requires the genitive case.

Рецензент висловив свої заперечення щодо проєкту.

The reviewer expressed their objections regarding the project.