
This is the 366th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The word 'речник' is used in the sense of a representative, typically spokesperson, representing an organization and addressing the media or public.

Речник компанії дав інтерв’ю телебаченню.

The company's spokesperson gave an interview to the television.

In this context, 'речник' refers to an official or arbitrator in charge of enforcement in a formal setting, like a referee in sports.

На заняттях ми вивчили нові терміни, серед яких був і 'речник'.

During the lesson, we learned new terms, including 'referee'.

Here, 'речник' metaphorically refers to a 'statement' or 'verse', emphasizing the communicative aspect of individual lines or phrases in literature.

У поезії кожен речник має своє захопливе забарвлення.

In poetry, each statement has its own fascinating tone.