
This is the 784th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "російської" means "Russian" (genitive or attributive form).

Here, 'російської' serves as an adjective describing the noun 'письменниці' (writer), gendered in the feminine singular genitive case.

Я читаю книгу російської письменниці.

I am reading a book of a Russian writer.

In this instance, 'російської' modifies the word 'газети' (newspaper), aligning with its feminine singular genitive case.

Мене зацікавила стаття російської газети.

I became interested in an article from a Russian newspaper.

'Російської' describes 'школи' (school), here as an adjective in the feminine singular genitive case.

До музею привезли твори російської школи.

Works of the Russian school were brought to the museum.