
This is the 290th most frequent Ukrainian word.

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The Ukrainian word "такого" means "of such" or "like this."

In this sentence, "такого" is used as a demonstrative pronoun to emphasize the uniqueness or distinctiveness of the sunset's beauty.

Я ніколи не бачив такого красивого заходу сонця.

I have never seen such a beautiful sunset.

Here, "такого" functions as an adjective to describe the action, emphasizing its character or peculiarity.

В чому ти бачиш справжній сенс такого вчинку?

What do you see as the true meaning of such an action?

In this case, "такого" acts as a descriptive determiner focusing on the remarkable qualities of the conversationalist being mentioned.

Мені не доводилося зустрічати такого цікавого співрозмовника.

I have never met such an interesting conversationalist.