
This is the 112th most frequent Urdu word.

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The word "تھے" in Urdu is the past tense plural or masculine singular form of "was/were."

The word "تھے" here indicates the past tense plural form of the verb "to be", used to describe a state of being (happiness) in the past.

ہم خوش تھے۔

We were happy.

The word "تھے" in this sentence marks the past tense subject-verb agreement for a singular respectful or formal reference (he, the hardworking man).

وہ بہت محنتی آدمی تھے۔

He was a very hardworking man.

In this context, "تھے" is used to represent the past tense for the plural noun (weather conditions) in the subordinate clause.

لوگوں کا کہنا تھا کہ موسم خراب تھے۔

People said that the weather was bad.