
This is the 85th most frequent Urdu word.

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The Urdu word "گے" is a masculine plural or masculine singular future tense auxiliary, used for "will" or "shall" in English.

In this sentence, "گے" is applied to pose a question regarding future action concerning the singular subject "تم" (you).

تم کب کھیلنے جاؤ گے؟

When will you go to play?

Here, "گے" is used to indicate negation in the future tense for the third-person plural subject "وہ" (they).

وہ کل اسکول نہیں آئیں گے۔

They will not come to school tomorrow.

In this context, "گے" denotes the future tense for the plural subject "ہم" (we).

ہم شام کو فلم دیکھنے جائیں گے۔

We will go to watch a movie in the evening.