
This is the 661st most frequent Urdu word.

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The Urdu word "عدم" means "non-existence" or "absence" in English.

'عدم' here conveys the meaning of 'lack' or 'absence' when referring to cooperation.

عدم تعاون کی وجہ سے منصوبہ مکمل نہ ہو سکا۔

Due to lack of cooperation, the project could not be completed.

'عدم' signifies absence in terms of availability or presence.

انھوں نے عدم موجودگی کی وجہ سے اجلاس میں حصہ نہیں لیا۔

They did not participate in the meeting due to absence.

'عدم' here means 'insecurity' or 'lack of security,' depicting a feeling or state.

عدم تحفظ کے احساس نے اسے آگے بڑھنے سے روکا۔

The sense of insecurity prevented him from moving forward.