
This is the 33rd most frequent Urdu word.

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"I" or "in" (depending on context).

In this sentence, 'ميں' is used as a pronoun meaning 'I', referring to the speaker.

ميں کتاب پڑھ رہا ہوں۔

I am reading a book.

Here, 'ميں' is used first as a pronoun 'I', and then as a preposition 'in' when referring to the location.

ميں اسکول میں ہوں۔

I am at school.

In this sentence, 'ميں' is used as part of the grammatical structure to denote the subject first-person 'I' who performed the action.

ميں نے ایک اچھی کام کی۔

I did a good deed.