
This is the 521st most frequent Vietnamese word.

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"Suy" in Vietnamese means "to decline," "to deteriorate," "to ponder," or "to infer," depending on context.

In this sentence, 'suy' is part of the phrase 'suy nghĩ,' which means 'to think' or 'to consider,' indicating mental contemplation.

Tôi suy nghĩ rất kỹ trước khi đưa ra quyết định.

I think carefully before making a decision.

Here, 'suy' combines with 'nhược' forming 'suy nhược,' meaning 'weak' or 'frail,' particularly referring to a decline or deficiency.

Anh ấy bắt đầu có dấu hiệu suy nhược cơ thể sau một thời gian làm việc căng thẳng.

He started showing signs of physical weakness after a period of intense work.

In this sentence, 'suy' forms part of the phrase 'suy giảm,' meaning 'to decrease' or 'to decline,' referring to a reduction or worsening condition.

Bác sĩ cho biết chức năng gan của anh ta đang suy giảm đáng kể.

The doctor stated that his liver function has significantly deteriorated.