
This is the 43rd most frequent Vietnamese word.

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The Vietnamese word "thực" means "real," "true," "actual," or "to eat," depending on context.

'Thực' is used here as part of 'thực lòng', meaning honesty or sincerity, and it sets the tone of the statement being sincere.

Thực lòng mà nói, tôi rất thích cuốn sách này.

Honestly speaking, I really like this book.

'Thực' is part of 'thực sự', meaning truly or really, which intensifies the description of the dish.

Món ăn này thực sự ngon và đặc biệt.

This dish is truly delicious and distinctive.

'Thực' is used in 'thực hiện', which means to carry out or execute, indicating action or implementation of a task.

Tôi đang thực hiện một dự án quan trọng.

I am carrying out an important project.